Thursday, June 7, 2018

from the sublime to the ridiculous

my review for:

my experience with this office is dramatically pessimistic, I was only with them 30, and it was more than enough.

I already know this type of studies, I have already passed from A to Z, in the end, more than half the time they do not know what they do.

I chose the bigshot program, which they claim to have 49% certainty, but their programs their alert system is almost dangerous to extremely irresponsible.

they give you opening alerts, but in the end it's you who has to do all the work until the end that is almost certain to close with missed calls, as for example of 17 calls, only 3 of them are positive, the rest is a miracle that you haven't received a margin call.

Come on, guys, you're a long way from average.

Now, if you want to cancel your subscription, wait until you hear the same explanation from a used car dealer, or ask what they calculated to return the remaining two months.

pathetically foolish was this experience.

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